代表性科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,陶瓷催化膜封装金属氧化物负载活性炭深度去除有机微污染物及协同机制研究,52100010,2022/01-2024/12,30万,主持 2. 山东省自然科学青年基金项目,活性炭负载金属氧化物活化过硫酸盐耦合陶瓷膜过滤强化去除难降解有机污染物及机理研究,ZR2021QE185,15万,2022/01-2024/12,主持 3. 青岛理工大学高层次人才引进计划项目,2021/03-2024/03,20万,主持 代表性论文: 1. A novel integrated process of ceramic membrane filtration coupled with peroxymonosulfate activation and adsorption for water treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 291(2022) 120874. 2. Catalytic ceramic membrane integrated with granular activated carbon for efficient removal of organic pollutants, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47(2022) 102751. 3. Removal of aqueous organic contaminants using submerged ceramic hollow fiber membrane coupled with peroxymonosulfate oxidation: comparison of CuO catalyst dispersed in the feed water and immobilized on the membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 618 (2021) 118707. 4. Integrated process for membrane fouling mitigation and organic pollutants removal using copper oxide modified ceramic hollow fiber membrane with in-situ peroxymonosulfate activation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 396 (2020) 125289. 5. A stable and easily prepared copper oxide catalyst for degradation of organic pollutants by peroxymonosulfate activation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 387 (2020) 121995. 6. Development of CuO coated ceramic hollow fiber membrane for peroxymonosulfate activation: a highly efficient singlet oxygen-dominated oxidation process for bisphenol A degradation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 256 (2019) 117783. (高被引) 7. Low-temperature sintered high-strength CuO doped ceramic hollow fiber membrane: Preparation, characterization and catalytic activity, Journal of Membrane Science, 570-571 (2019) 333-342. 代表性专利: 1. 王松雪,武倩倩,闫博引,刘美君,黄睿,宋双,夏文香. 一种浸没式耦合膜过滤反应器、制备方法及其应用. 202210367715.5. 2. 田家宇, 王松雪,高珊珊,任芝军,张彦平,佟利辉. 一种具有双重过硫酸盐活化功能的中空纤维陶瓷膜的制备方法及应用. 201810746333.7. 3. 闫啸, 王松雪, 王建明, 陈顺权, 苗晶. 一体式中空纤维陶瓷膜纺丝装置. 201620484220.0. |