代表性教学科研项目: 1、硫化氢胁迫对填埋场覆盖层甲烷氧化的影响及微生物机制研究,52000112,2021/01-2023/12,国家自然科学基金,主持; 2、基于植被与覆盖土复合传输机制的填埋场甲烷释放预测模型构建,51478327,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与 3、基于植被和覆盖土的复合传输机制的填埋场汞释放预测模型构建,51678427,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与 4、西安江村沟生活垃圾填埋场恶臭污染源解析及对策研究,住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目—研究开发项目,参与 5、垃圾分类与二噁英排放关系研究,全球环境基金中国生活垃圾综合环境管理项目宁波子项目,参与; 6、填埋场甲烷减排与资源化技术设备研发及应用,2015DFA91390,国际科技合作专项,参与。 代表性论文: 1. Bian Rongxing,Teppei Komiya,Takayuki Shimaoka Chai Xiaoli*, Sun Yjingjie. A Simulative analysis of vegetation on CH4 emission in landfill cover soils: combined effects of root-water uptake, root radial oxygen loss, and plant-mediated CH4 transportation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 234:18-26. 2. Bian Rongxing, Sun Yingjie, Li Weihua, Ma Qiang, Chai Xiaoli. Co-composting of municipal solid waste mixed with matured sewage sludge: The relationship between N2O emissions and denitrifying gene abundance. Chemosphere. 2017;189:581-9. 3. Bian Rongxing, Xin Danhui, Chai Xiaoli. A Simulation model for estimating methane oxidation and emission from landfill cover soils. Waste management. 2018;77:426-34. 4. Bian Rongxing, Xin Danhui, Chai Xiaoli. A simulation model for methane emissions from landfills with interaction of vegetation and cover soil. Waste management. 2018;71:267-76. 5. Bian Rongxing, Shi Wei, Chai Xiaoli*, Sun Yingjie. Effects of plant radial oxygen loss on methane oxidation in landfill cover soil: A simulative study. Waste Management, 2020, 102:56-64. 6. Bian Rongxing, Xin Danhui, Chai Xiaoli. Methane emissions from landfill: influence of vegetation and weather conditions. Environmental technology. 2018:1-9. 7. 卞荣星,孙英杰,李卫华,杨强,李晶晶.农村生活垃圾产生特性及处理处置对策研究[J].环境工程,2014,32(12):100-102+171. 8. 卞荣星,孙英杰,李晶晶,张欢欢.硝酸盐连续回灌对生物反应器填埋场N2O产生的影响[J].环境科学,2014,35(11):4371-4377. 9、Li Weihua, Sun Yingjie, Bian Rongxing, Wang Huawei, Zhang Dalei. N2O emissions from an intermittently aerated semi-aerobic aged refuse bioreactor: Combined effect of COD and NH4+-N in influent leachate. Waste management. 2017;69:242-9. 10. Tao Zhengkai, Bian Rongxing(, Chai Xiaoli. Methylmercury levels in cover soils from two landfills in Xi’an and Shanghai, China: Implications for mercury methylation potentials. Waste management. 2018;78:331-6. |